Our Story

KTM is a Christian teaching ministry (founded in 2010 by the Cersleys) serving our local and Internet-based communities for those seeking spiritual growth and maturity in the Word of God. This ministry is not to be a substitute for one's local church, but is only a resource to build upon what is or is not offered at the local church level. We serve as though we are community missionaries. We are committed to being Spirit lead in everything God places in our path and we hope to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ in all we do. 

The kitchen table "is an excellent place to engage people. A simple study of the life of Jesus demonstrates that the table played an important role in His relationships. Everywhere He went, He sat down at a table with others and broke bread (Cheyney, Putnam, & Sanders, 2003). We feel Christians should lead by example and focus on building relationships as depicted in Jesus' life.

​                                         -- The Cersleys

​Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.-- 1 Corinthians 10:31

Upcoming & Ongoing Events

Sunday Gatherings  

2:00 - 3:45ish pm includes teaching materials & snacks

2nd Sunday -- communion     

4th Sunday -- covered dish

Currently studying: Spiritual Warfare: Armor of the Believer.

October 4-5, 2024
Extraordinary Women Conference, Lynchburg, VA



Come to the table...

About Us and Events